بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   
Ashara 1431, Marol

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Ashara 1429, Colombo

Ashara 1428, Colombo
Ashara 1427

QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

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Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

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Mind Mints

Tilawat of Munajaatin Shere Ramazan

As the month of Moharram is characterized with buka and matam of Imam Husain (S.A.) the month of Sehre Ramazan is glorified with salat, saum, vazebaat and all forms of aamal maroof (good deeds) that are pleasing to the eyes of  Allah, His Vali Imam-uz-zaman (S.A.) and his illustrious Dai Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS)

One of the most endearing form of worship in this month is munajaat - a one to ONE commune with Allah The Glorified, wherein the ibad expresses his innermost feelings, his aspirations, his cherished goals in verse form, preferably in seclusion, when the world is asleep, seeking guidance, succour and strength from Allah.

The general body of mumineen are not capable of such a commune with the Almighty, the Ever Living, the One who sustains and protects all that exists. It is a most significant and singular ehsanaat of Awliya Kiram (S.A.) that with their deep intuitive knowledge and in order to shower barakats on generations of mumineen, a glorious Fatemi tradition of preserving the munajaats of Awliya Kirams, the tilawat of which in the month of Shehre Ramadaan, particularly during the bihori namaz, elevates the soul, and one however,  lowly  his status in both deen and duniya be, for a moment feels in commune with Allah.

Each year we are blessed with the tilawat of munajaat written during Shehre Ramazan  by our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) and along with it is distributed, one of the munajaat of Muqaddas Moula Syedna Taher Saifuddin Saheb (A.Q.)

As we have come around one full year, another Shehre Ramadaan is in our midst, it is time to look inward and evaluate that has the enteritis and prayers of our Aqa Moula (TUS) made a year ago, have been answered in ourselves, have we freed ourselves from those evils, have we made a contentious effort to refine our character, become better and more fulfilled human being. It is surely a time of introspection mumineen!!  Shere Ramadaan is the best stock taking time of our moral actions. It is you and Allah and no one in between. Pour out your heart to Him, cry out aloud  to Him, own up your shortcomings, nothing is there to hide from Him for He is All Knowing , All Seeing , All Hearing, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Talking of myself having very limited deeni knowledge, I for one eagerly look forward to Shehre Ramadaan, so that I may be able to reap spiritual sustenance and peace of mind by tilawat of munajaats in the still dark nights. I am unable to put into words the sheer joy and peace that I experience by mere recitation, although not knowing the meaning.

The purpose of my writing this 'write up' is to create an awareness of the sheer beauty and barakats emanating from the tilawat of munjaat - a glorious Fatemi tradition. The inspiration was derived the other night, when I was doing tilawat of  a munajaat of Muqaddas Moula Taher Saifuddin Saheb (A.Q.) - 'Ilahi Ilahi aleika atubu ...(1348 H) Page 97 -second part of bihori kitab. The following lines, more for its alliteration quality, as I have already informed that I am ignorant of the meaning , the repeated recitation of which, gave me sheer joy and spiritual bliss, that I will not be able to describe. The lines are:

'va tazrefo aiyni va tarasho rijli
 le khasyate Rabbi va kalbi yajubo'

Subsequently I came to know the literal meaning, but I refrain from translating, because I will not be able to do justice, as in so doing, the beauty and spirituality will be lost.

As I eagerly await the coming of Laiylatul Qdar in all its glory and the tilawat of this month's munajaat, offering Hamd to Allah I fervently pray that may Allah grant my Moula sehato -afiyaat - ta - kiyamat. Ameen.

Abde Syedna (TUS)
Asgar Fakhrudin.

Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com