بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   

Ashara 1430, Mombasa

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QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

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Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

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97 Milaad  Mubarak     
Al Taif
The Will of Allah and the tireless zeal of Awliyah Kiram to work for the redemption of Mankind

Muhammad (S.A.) set out from Mecca in the year 619 C.E. to bring the Quraish polytheists into the fold of Islam. He went with his freed slave Zaid bin Harithhah to Al – Taif a prosperous town having fruit and vineyard farms, located at a distance of 60 kms from Mecca.

He first approached the family of Umair, reckoned as among the nobility of the town. All the three sons of Umair turned a deaf year and used abusive language, as regards the cause for which he had been striving.

For ten days, he stayed in al Taif, delivering the message of Islam to all the noble people, one after another, but to no avail. Contrary to Arab tradition of hospitality, he was hooted at and pelted with stones, and obliged to flee pursued by a merciless crowd.

So much so, that blood flowed down his legs and thus tired and exhausted, he took refuge in one of the numerous fruit farms, and rested against the wall of a vineyard belonging to Walid bin Ukaba . Seeing the plight of a stranger he sent with his slave Adras, who was a practicing Christian, a bunch of luscious grapes – 18 in all. Nabi Muhammad (S.A.) quenched his thirst and felt refreshed, and prayed for Walid, who himself died a polythist, fighting the Muslims, but in his descendents, the flower of Islam bloomed, so much so, that as a direct result of Nabi Muhammad (S.A.) prayer, on that eventful day at Al – Taif the Fatemi Dawat of Yemen was resplendent with 18 Doat ul Mutlaqeen, the first and foremost being Syedna Ali bin Mohammad Walid (RA) whose story of tawajo and khusu in well known in the annals of Fatemi Dawat, and it is not mere coincidence that Syedna Mohammad bin Walid (RA) wrote 18 kutubs, and lived till the ripe old age of 100 years, and till end, use to go to Masjid to offer Namaz.

At Al Taif at a time when the whole world seemed to have turned against him, Muhammad (S.A.) turned to his Lord, and started praying, those touching words are still preserved, as those through which his wronged soul expressed distress and anguish.


‘O Allah ! To you alone I complain of my weakness, my insufficient ability and my insignificance before the people.

You are the Most Merciful of the merciful. You are the Lord of the helpless and the weak.

O Lord of mine ! Into whose hands would You abandon me: into the hands of any unsympathetic distant relative, who would angrily frown at me or to the enemy, who has been given control over my affairs ?

But if your wrath does not fall upon me, there is nothing for me to worry about !

Your pardon is ample enough for me, I seek pardon in the light of your Face, which illuminates the darkness, fixing the affairs in this world and in the Hereafter.

May it never be that I should incur Your wrath, or that You should be wrathful to me. And there is no power nor resource, but Yours alone.

After bracing hostility of the people of al Taif, Muhammad (S.A.) slowly proceeded towards Mecca, where he had been persecuted by the heathen Quraish led by Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab. He recalled how the early converts, simple people and freed slaves, like Ammar bin Yasir, Bilal, Khabab bin Al- Arath, Sumaiyah and many more had braved unspeakable tortures. Muhammad (S.A.) himself had to bear taunts and uncouth behavior. Once while he was praying in Kaba, Utaibah bin Abu Lahab threw intestines of camel, while he was in sujood. Ma Fatema (S.A.) was a helpless witness to this cowardly act, and cried a lot as she cleaned the back of her beloved father.

After feeling refreshed by the prayer he had offered to His Lord and bracing to face the hostility of the polytheist, as Muhammad (S.A.) made his way towards Mecca, angel Jibraeel came along with the angel of the Mountains, and said:’O Muhammad (S.A.) Order what you wish. If you like, I will let Al-Akhshabain ( name of the mountain surrounding Mecca) to fall on them.’

Muhammad (S.A.) was sent as Rehmatul –lil –‘Alam’in, and in spite of inhuman tortures and persecutions, this is what he said : “ No, I hope that Allah will let them beget children, who will worship Allah alone, and will worship none besides Him” (Sahih Muslim 2/109)

How prophetic were his words, and the general good of the people and humanity seeped, in every word and action of his.

I have narrated the Al Taif incident in detail to give a historical perspective and to convey the fact that Nabi, Vasi, Imam and Awaliya Kiram, Doat Mutlaqeen through out the ages, have suffered personal humiliation and unspeakable tortures, but when it comes to, the general good of humanity at large, they are ready to forgive, and are ready to accept the Will of Allah in all their actions and belief.

Ibrahim Nabi (S.A.) readily accepted the Will of Allah, if it be so that he would be thrown in to the raging fire. Like wise Ali Moula would never kill an enemy, but only in the cause of Allah and Islam, and not against personal hatred and anger. We all know of the famous incident in the battle of Shiffin, when he let go from his clutches and sure death, an enemy who had the audacity to spit of his face.

Like Muhammad (S.A.) who spared the polytheist Meccans from sure annihilation if he had willed that Al- Akshabain would come crushing down on Mecca, a riwayat from the battle field of Shiffin, will reinforce the belief that likewise his Vasi Ali Moula (S.A.) would not put to sword any one from whose loins he knew, will come children who will worship Allah Alone.

During the battle of Shiffin, Moula Ali’s trusted lieutenant Malik ul Ashtar once came in the Camp of Moula Ali (S.A.) and he was seen smiling to himself, it appeared that some thoughts were making him happy. Moula Ali (S.A.) read what was going on in the mind of Malik ul Ashtar, the reason for his being so pleased, and said ‘ I know what you are thinking today, that you have put to sword a greater number of enemies than me, but know this Malik, that I have killed those, from whose loins would come the enemies of Islam, and spared those from whom servants of Allah will be born, where as you have killed knowing not, as you do not posses the knowledge that I posses.

So it is not the number of enemies killed, but killing of those who are damned for ever to burn in hell, and if they beget children, they will be the enemies of Allah and a cause of concern and bringers of harm to the believers.

Likewise, on the burning sands of Karbala also the greater cause of dawat towards rightful Islam and the deep concern for redemption of mankind was witnessed in the actions of Imam Husain (S..A.) In spite of inhuman treatment meted out to him, his family and ashab kiram, by Yezidi forces, depriving them of water for three days, and bent on total annihilation of the House of Nabi (S.A.) on that fateful day of Ashura, Imam Husain (S.A.) once again tried to bring the wayward into the fold of Islam, and personally set out, towards the enemy camp and recited the Khutba.

What were the long term implications of this action of Imam Husain (S.A.) we do not know, but we know for sure that Hur bin Rihayi left the enemy ranks and fell at the feet of Moula, seeking forgiveness, and getting the sharaf of being the first martyr of Karbala.

Likewise Awaliya Kiram through out the ages have had the greater good of humanity, at heart, and have never ever wavered in their mission, in spite facing parochial attitude of a section of the people, resulting in unwarranted animosity and hatred towards them.

Syedna Taher Moula Saifuddin (RA) had called a conference of Muslim Ummah for al-masjid al Aqsa, and had donated a large amount, he had agreed to become the Chancellor of Aligarh and played a role model for its students and guided the University for 15 long years. In spite of his humanitarian efforts, some disgruntled elements in Egypt declared a fatwa that he was a Kafir and his blood of halal.

Syedna Taher Moula Saifuddin (RA) did not waver but he traveled to Cairo to win over the hearts and minds of the Muslim Ummah and to revive the glory and love for Fatemiyeen !!

The glorious zaman of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) is resplendent with numerous humanitarian episodes that can easily fill a book, if one is to narrate each and every one in detail. For the purpose of the article the following will suffice, which goes to show that from Nabi Adam (S.A.) to our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) in a continuous unbroken chain, our Awaliya Kiram have always strived for the betterment of humanity at large.

As we celebrate the 97th Milad Mubarak in the true Fatemi Traditions, and as a community we look forward to celebrate the 100th Milad Mubrak, which Allah Willing, will embrace all the regal pomp and traditions of the glorious Fatemi Era, and will become a rallying point of the Muslim Ummah in particular and the world in general.

Aqa Moula (TUS) is carrying on with the ethos of humanitarian service in sync with the present modern day developments. The just recent donation of a large amount to Dubai Cares, is a case in point. In the course of renovation of al- Anwar, when it was necessitated that an existing school be demolished, Aqa Moula (TUS) built a larger and better school for the children.

Aqa Moula (TUS) represented the Indian Muslims in the Mehrajan al- Islami conference in London, and accepted Chancellor post of Aligarh Muslim Universtiy. We muminen know well that in each of Aqa Moula’s amal, there are countless hikmats, which have far reaching consequences, for the betterment of humanity at large and mumineen in particular.

May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato-aafiyat-ta-kiyamat. Ameen.

Abde Syedna (TUS)

Asgar Fakhrudin

This Article has been published in the Salgirah Issue of Badre Muneer 1429H

Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com