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KARZAN HASANA - The Dawoodi Bohra Economic Miracle of the Twentieth Century. The concept of Karzan Hasana is nothing new. For centuries the virtuous have practiced it and the needy benefited from it. The importance of Karzan Hasana as an ideal for attaining salvation and at the same time, deriving barakats and hasanats for ones own self in this world has been beautifully articulated in the Holy Quran. Nabi (S.A.) Vasi (S.A.) Imams (S.A.) Dai-ul-Mutlaqs and all our revered Hadi and Rehbars throughout the ages have preached and practiced the concept of Karzan Hasana. With the industrial revolution and the increase of banking activities and the infiltration of western culture and concepts, gathering momentum only after the second world war the Frankenstein monster of 'interest' pervaded the minds, and as our beloved Aqa Moula Burhanuddin Saheb (TU), rightly exemplifies 'it seeped deep into the veins of All including mumeneens'. The 'return on the capital' at first a humble servant became in time the boss as with all worldly transitory things and it started to rule supreme over the minds of the hoi-polloi and the enlightened. Banking became a major industry and resorting to 'tall claim advertisements' and gimmick held sway over the minds of men. Even children were being lured - the rot was complete. When all was darkness, a radiant light glowed in the midst of our small community by virtue of the exalted position of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) and the nazarat and Taeed of Imam-uz-Zaman (S.A.). The entire humanity, so to speak is entangled in the tentacles of the banking industry, and out Hadi and Rehbar instructs us to free ourselves from the shackles of 'interest'. Others are aghast. It is at all possible they ask. The mere thought baffles them. We do it. We show the world that it can be done. Countless number of cases are there for one to see and verify. Each passing day we hear how mumeneens in different shears of life, have freed themselves of the shackles, and have found succor and progress in the 'interest free' air. Mumeenen all over, like new born breath the fresh air. They have wriggled out to 'interest womb' some with utmost ease, others with little trouble and pain. Now that they have freed themselves, they look back and see how stifling was their existence, how very limited was their movement. Our community is a mere 0.015% of the total world population, but it should not be forgotten that the darkness in the world, cannot stifle the light of a small candle. I am confident that if we Bohras are steadfast in our purpose, the elders and economically well-off and educated are willing to lead the way, the youths are willing to come forward with fresh ideas and youthful zeal, we can untidily dispel the darkness. The Nazrat-e-Rahima of Imam-Uz-Zaman (S.A.) and the Doa of Aqa Moula Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS) will definitely add radiance to the light and the forces of darkness will be defeated. We have to find means and ways to make the concept of Karzan-Hasana universal. People are steeped in 'interest' and capital return' practices, and it is difficult to bring about a complete metamorphosis in a single stroke. The need of the hour is courage, dedication and bold approach. I would suggest the formation of Karzan-Hasana Societies/Boards to be running on public limited companies principles, having proper constitution and registration, Karzan-Hasana Bonds to be floated of Rs:100/0 - Rs500/- - Rs:1000/- & Rs:10,000/- denomination, which are to be encashable at per any time, this will encourage Karzan-Hasana habit. People taking loans for business ventures, may be requested to plough back part of the profits in Bonds, so that the funds will keep on increasing. In big cities, investments may be made in 'capital intensive; ventures such as running latest medical check-up centers, agencies and sole distributorship of utilities etc;. Even in villages and small towns, investments may be made to purchase bulk cash crops during season at favorable prices and retailing them.. The opportunities are innumerable. 'Karzan Gift Vouchers' in denominations of Rs:100/ Rs:200/ etc: having 12 months redemption period can be purchased and than gifted on birthdays, marriages and other occasions, like showing appreciation to the child for bringing home good results etc: In this way both the receiver and donor will be receiving barakats. 'Credits Card concept' can also be gainfully employed. If say an individual is a member of Karzan-Hasana Society at Calcutta, depending upon his contribution, he can obtain a Credit Card entitling him to obtain loan in another city where Karzan-Hasana scheme is operating. As it becomes popular, it can go down to individual shop level also. Karzan-Hasana societies can provide finance for group of professionals who provide 'joint consultancy services' and partake the profits. The benefits accruing that are innumerable. In the matter of recovery of loans in case of default, a Central Board with pool funds be set up, in cities where more then one society s being run. On default, the case may be immediately referred and the default amount obtained from the Central pool, so that the flow of funds is maintained. The Board will recovered the amount, the means be worked out. In conclusion, I hope and pray that my readers, will be convinced of the immense potential of Karzan-Hasana, the immense good that can be done through it for the community. My dreams will be fulfilled when the Karzan-Hasana concept becomes universal, when it will find favor with the organization and members of other communities, when they will also awake to its immense, possibilities. May Aqa Moula Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb (TUS) leads us on. Abde Syedna (TUS) Asgar Fakhrudin Calcutta, Dated 24.10.88.
Asgar Fakhruddin | asgarubi@gmail.com |