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Introspection on Gujrat Earthquake The Gujrat Earthquake has brought in its wake untold havoc and misery, thousands of life have been lost, crores worth of property, years of human efforts and progress, innumerable dreams and future planning have been reduced to dust within seconds. In one stroke all class and caste distinctions have gone, all have become one single suffering humanity, utterly helpless in the face of the onslaught. The seismic tremors have subsided, but impact of the tragedy will forever linger in the minds of those who have faced the calamity. The causes of the earthquake have been analyzed in great details by the scientific community - the lithosphere, the moving continental plates, the faults etc: No denying the facts that those are the causes, but whilst contemplating deep on the subject, I have come to realize that there are far more deeper causes than what the scientific community have established beyond doubt. I may be wrong but let me share my thoughts with Netizens on the subject. One of the prime causes of calamity of any type I feel is when humanity at large becomes morally bankrupt, when gross materialism overshadows spirituality. When sincerity in words and action takes a back seat, when falsehood and corruption reign unchecked. In the words of a sage : 'The worldly minded never come to their senses, even though they suffer and have terrible experiences. Camels are very fond of thorny shrubs. The more they eat them, the more do their mouths bleed, yet they do not refrain from making them their food.' Gross materialism comes in like a humble servant, and in no time becomes the 'master' it overrules the senses, the heart and the mind of man. Going through the distressing reports on the aftermath of the earthquake, I can foresee another killer earthquake in the making, and after reading, you will also agree with me, that yes indeed the causes are far deeper than what the scientific community has so far discovered. Ahmedabad - Feb: 8 Rush to adopt quake orphans and turn them into domestic help. Twelve year old Shika ran away from the family that 'adopted' her on Jan: 29 to land at an NGO's doorstep just two days after she was promised to be look after 'like our own daughter'. Still in a state of shock Shika says: 'A day after I was asked to do the household chores. I decided to run away. But 'babuji' threatened to hit me if I don't work" Many people cashing in on the vulnerability of poor families, who find it hard to look after the orphaned children of their relatives, are adopting children as servants who wouldn’t even require payments.(The Telegraph Feb:9) Ahmedabad Feb: 9 Law's long arm reaches out to loot amid ruins. As the survivors of the last month's seismic cataclysm begin putting their shattered lives back on track, they find themselves confronted with human vultures who have swooped down to gnaw at the remains of the disaster. GREED has turned policemen into robbers and neighbors into thieving opportunists. Prabhaven Dave, who lost her husband, children and home, is now without any tangible asset. Whatever remained of her house was cleared out when a 'friend' landed up with a truck and told neighbors that he was a relative and had come to take her furniture and valuables to Rajkot, where her brother lives. (Telegraph Feb: 10 ) Protectors have turned persecutors in the quake capital. Narsinghbhai Thakkar, a driver, recalls with horror, how four policemen formed a cordon around a razed house in Manninagar soon after the quake …..by the time tow bodies were dragged out, they were shorn of their gold bangles, earrings and necklaces. (The Telegraph Feb: 10) Sureshbhai Thakor from Manfara village in Bachau was robbed of jewelry and cash worth Rs: 75 Lakhs from his shop. "Mother nature has played a cruel joke on us, but we have people from our region looting us in an inhuman way" Thakor said. (The Telegraph Jan: 29) Very surprising that the very persons who have witnessed the destruction and fury, have still not taken the lesson of nature's wrath. The above distressing reports have been gleaned from a single Newspaper. There may be thousands of such inhuman and cowardly acts perpetuated on the suffering humanity. You will agree that these are the seismic waves on the lithosphere of humanity, these are the faults in the human bedrock, where tragedies of such nature unfold. As we start rebuilding from the ruins, implementing new earth quake resistant building techniques and protection of the environment, we should at the same time address the deep rooted and yet unfathomed moral deprivations that causes the 'P' and 'S' waves that travel through the hypocenter and epicenter of humanity, unchecked. If not checked, surely another earthquake, another drought, another cyclone will bring untold miseries. It is the spiritually awakened ones who can accurately predict and guide. Taking recourse to the 'moral scale' they can send out warnings that a seismic situation is developing, that will bring death and destruction. I look forward to receive response from my readers. If you agree with my thinking, do convey it, I would be pleased. If you disagree, do also convey as to where I have gone wrong, and the reasons for your disagreement, so that I can learn. Abde Syedna (TUS) Asgar Fakhrudin |
Asgar Fakhruddin | asgarubi@gmail.com |