بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   
Ashara 1431, Marol

Ashara 1430, Mombasa

Ashara 1429, Colombo

Ashara 1428, Colombo
Ashara 1427

QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

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Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

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Mind Mints

Introspection on education in our Modern Age


Social service sector has undergone a sea change during the last 20 years, it has attained industry status, and like any other professions, it depends upon marketing, professional inputs, and rewards with higher salary and perks at the same time trying to maintain a delicate balance of projecting itself as serving the society. Career opportunities in social service sectors are advertised regularly by educational institutes.

However, in our community except for a few section entering the idaara of social service by imparting their expertise against monetary benefits and perks, a large majority of ‘khidmat gujars’ render their services gratis . If we take only one ‘miqaat’ say Ashara, the quantum of efforts put in my khidmat gujars will run into lakhs, if monetary compensations is calculated for their services rendered.

So here we will discuss what is the primary motive that drives you to join the different service oriented ‘idaaras’ , tanzeem and other committees. Every one agrees that there is no monetary benefits, but at times, you have to contribute at the same time give your time and energy. What motivates you ? As you read this, just give a moments thought, to what motivates you to render your services gratis. I presume most of you will agree that it is primarily Aqa Moula’s khusi and similar sentiments.

The primary motive that differentiates a mumin from the rest in volunteering into social service besides Aqa Moula’s khusi, is that he is earning ‘tosha for akherat’ which in actuality is ‘the real thing – each mumin’s goal in life, the real life after life - the everlasting abode ‘ So the worldly gains and positions are not the motivating factor. Yes for some who have more free time on hand, to gainfully employ themselves in social work is an alternative.

Once you enter into a social organization and by dint of your hard work, financial commitments, managerial expertise etc; and motivating power you finally find yourself leading the organization and become a ‘role model’ for the other aspirants and members of the community. You earn a position in society, at the same time you come under close scrutiny. Your actions and behavior now come under public domain.

Your thoughts, actions and your inherent character will effect the organization you are controlling and its members. You have to reflect on your total integrity and character, the ‘vibes’ you send down the line will determine the success and failure of the organization you are heading.

Invariably it is proved that the failure of any organization is result of the failure at the top level of management, be it as result of loss of integrity, governance or being out of sync with ground realities.

Imam Ahmad –ul – Mastoor (S.A.) in Ikhwan –us- Shaffa has said that Akhlaq (character) is one of the four traits that will for ever remain with the ‘nafs’ after it leaves the body, and Allah will give ‘zaza’ on the basis of your Akhlaq which will be the first trait, that will be looked into, similar to Namaz, which will be the first ‘amal’ to be looked into.

So Akhlaq – your character is the most important aspect. The following excepts from the kitaab- Nafhaat Husnil Khulq 1418H - which literally translates into ‘behtar Akhlaq ni khusboo’ are intended to make you introspect, and try to redress the shortfall in character and attitude of a mumin who has decided to embark on the journey of rendering social service to the community

Transliteration from the book - Nafhaat Husnil Khalq 1418H

RasullAllah (S.A.) ni Hadis kudsaniyah : je sakhs ke ehna mumin bhai ni hajat rawai ma rehse to khuda ehni hazat tamam karse.

RasullAllah (S.A.) farmave che ke mara mohabbat karnar ne koi halku pare to yeh mara khud na samne jang ma nikalnaar na barabar gunehgar che.

E Ali ! jivare tamara pase koi hazat talab karnar ave to tamo em janjo ke yeh khuda taraf thi neamat ane ehsaam che ane khuda yeh em irado kidho che ke tamara gunah ne maaf kare ane tamari hazat ne puree kare.

(Now honestly do each of us think this way – it is time for introspection, looking inward, what are the thoughts one has if some needy mumin comes to you for assistance, by virtue of your holding a particular position in the organization, how you react to the situation, just give it a thought)

Hope this write up will set you thinking and help you in giving gloss and glow to your Akhlaq, so that your khidmat, however small it may be, will be iba’adat in the true sense.

May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato aafiyat –ta-kiyamat. Ameen.

Abde Syedna (TUS)

Asgar Fakhrudin

Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com