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Man is first and foremost a spiritual being, a soul with a body, rather than a body with a soul. If we start thinking this way in Sehrullah, we will be able to focus more on the spirituality inherent in all our a'maal saleha, that we will be performing during this month. Sprituality is the way one finds true meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace in life. Ibad'at without the presence of heart and mind becomes ritualistic, and the soul which wants to attain emancipation from the a'lam ul -mulk (the world of matter) and attain the glories of a'lam-ul- malakut (the spiritual world) is thus restrained. We should realize that in a way we are doing injustice to our ownself. I know I will be hurting many sentiments, but none the less I think it appropriate to address this very disturbing trend that has been emerging in the past several years, and this plague is spreading fast and affecting all strata of our community. It is proving a very big deterrent to attaining spirituality in our Sherullah Ibad'at. I am referring to the blatant and unwarranted use of mobiles during namaz and bayan in Sherullah. It is a painful sight to see youngsters exchanging bawdy text messages, at times immediately after the salaam of farizat namaz. Hundreds of sms fly thick and fast, the mobile companies smile their way to the bank, and shaitan is mighty pleased with himself, and sprituality is lost, the mind wanders, and precious moments are lost in mundane worldly matters. I fervently hope the following passages taken from the writings of true seekers of knowledge and spirituality, will help us all in attaining spirituality in Sherullah. Once realization dawns, the body submits itself to the service of the soul, and equilibrium is reached. Sherullah makes us realize that this world is a cocoon. A silkworm lovingly builds a cocoon, but cannot get out of it, and ultimately dies in it. This world is like a cocoon, we build it with great affection and imprison ourselves in it, failing to realize that the a'lam beyond our own cocoon is the real and everlasting place of our abode. To abandon the struggle to acquire transitory materialism and hapiness, to expel all eagerness of temporary desire, to burn with passion for things eternal and everlasing, this is emancipation, this is true freedom, this is Ibad'at pleasing in the eyes of Allah. This Sherullah, just try doing that, be focussed, overcome your baser elements, and feel the happiness of true freedom and emancipation. Let us inculcate spirituality in all our good deeds this Sheruallh. Mobile usage my young friends this Sherullah, during namaz and bayans, strictly no no !! Sherullah Mubarak ! Doa ni iltema's. May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato a'fiyat-ta-kiyamat. Ameen. Abde Syedna (TUS) Asgar Fakhruddin Kolkata |
Asgar Fakhruddin | asgarubi@gmail.com |