بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   
Ashara 1431, Marol

Ashara 1430, Mombasa

Ashara 1429, Colombo

Ashara 1428, Colombo
Ashara 1427

QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

Video   Document
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

My Articles
Mind Mints



In the last fortnight a number of deaths, all account of natural causes, occurred in our community,in my city, which entailed frequent visits to 'kabrastan' and quite naturally my thoughts dwelt at length on death and dying, an aspect, we generally tend to keep forgetting, although Awaliya Kira'ams have been reminding us of the futility of this world. Aqa Moula (TUS) on several miqa'ts and in vaaz mubarak, has pointedly referred to azab-ul-kabr.

In fact we have become so immune to thinking of death and dying that immediately after walking back a few paces from the grave, we bounce back to our world and its mundane affairs, and completely shut ourselves off from what is the inevitable.

Here I recall the na'shihat of Syedi Sadik Ali Saheb, who has made several telling references on death and the body interred in the grave, in order to awaken our consciousness, to slacken our deep rooted attachment and moorings with all that is illusory, and to turn our attention to our 'nafs' (soul) which is eternal, and for the emancipation of which, we should be aware at all times.

'kholi ne a'nkh dekho basirat ni mumino
ibrat che maut sab ne ye ibrat kafa kare ..............

'danayi hoi zara to woh din na bhulje
jeh din tamhari zaat ne keera giza kare
jai makbara ma dekho haajare quboor ma
insaan kai girela hashar lag sara kare ..................
sadmaat yaro maut na beshak azeem che
A'aqil hase te yaad kari thar thara kare'

So at times when one becomes so engrossed with his world, becomes immune to the whispering of his soul and consciousness, which is in fact the everlasting life sustaining force, the person is said to be spiritually comatose, and for effective treatment of such critical case, similar to one done in medical profession, the aggressive therapy of cardiopulmary resuscitation, our Awaliya ul Kiram, at times resort to conveying the harsh truths and realities of death and the aftermaths.

The Chemistry of Death is intended to be as a 'wake up' call, an aggressive therapy to bring to life the spiritually comatose body. It is taken from the internet, and there are many such type of articles to be found. I seek forgiveness for laying down the facts. which will send a chill down your spine, but will surely do a world of good to your spiritually awakening (ibrat che maut sab ne ye ibrat kara kare)

Excerpts from ' The Chemistry of Death'

The basic stages after death
Algor Mortis - Life ceases - higher and lower brain function cease, respiration stops and so does heart beat.
Livor Mortis - Within a few hours of death, blood pools at the lowest portion of the anatomy.
Rigor Mortis- A stiffening of body muscle due to the build up of lactic acid, among other chemicals, as a result of the early decomposition of muscle fibre. Passes as quickly as it comes, usually a day or so, starting within the first day after onset of death.
Insects may begin to lay eggs in the corpse. there may be an anal discharge of any remaining stool.

Purification - certainly the least pleasant stage of decomposition process, begins within three days of death.Many insects start laying eggs. Corpses start to change colour. After several days, insect larvae may begin to crawl out of the body.rodents and insects begin to partake of the meal.

By a weak after death, gases produced by bacterial and chemical processes begin to cause bloating of bodies. Internally, the bacteria that all humans live with every day ( required for food digestion) such as found in the digestive tract, continue to work on. But instead of these friendly bacteria's food source being what humans eat themselves, it is now the dead human body itself which is consumed.

Internal organs begin to liquefy. Within 2 weeks from the onset of death, there is a bloody purge of putrefying liquid from the mouth, nose,anus or any other opening. Within a few weeks, the body bursts open under pressure, spilling contents.

There are many more gory details. It is like watching a horror movie, where the central character is yourself. I ask forgiveness of my readers, who have had the courage to read so far, but after reading it, I am confident, that their life's perspective will change for the better.

At times such aggressive resuscitation does a world of good. These are the facts, which I have just brought in to focus, so that we can be more aware, that it is the 'nafs' which is eternal, and we should always strive to make it more radiant, by following the tenets of Deen, and the mubarak hidaya'ts and farmans of our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) A mumin need not worry, for Moula will be there, when every other has forsaken him.

Before death overtakes you worry more about your 'nafs' (soul) and not your body, worry about the bounties of everlasting akherat and not this transitory world, in which you have visualized how it will land you up in the end. This is the potent message I would like to convey through this article.

May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato a'afiyat-ta-kiyamat.

Abde Syedna (TUS)
Asgar Fakhrudin.
Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com