بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   
Ashara 1431, Marol

Ashara 1430, Mombasa

Ashara 1429, Colombo

Ashara 1428, Colombo
Ashara 1427

QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

Video   Document
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

My Articles
Mind Mints

Munajaat Sharifa - 1422H     (My reflections)

As a sequel to my earlier write up in Shehre Ramazan - 'Tilawat of Munajaat in Shehre Ramazan,' as I was doing tilawat of this
year's Munajaat Sharifa - ' Rab'bana Rab'bana ' I  started to reflect on the abayaat sharifa :

Va ma'adh Dheeke fi Umurin yara Ne'
mata Rabbin alaihe bis'tifai
( Inspite of constrains in life one sees the fullness of Allah's blessings upon him.
     Sprituality (ruhaniyat) is expansive - inspite of limitations of means, if one has a thankful heart, he will
    surely find ease and comfort )

I do not comprehend, but some inner urge made me repeat the abyaat again and again, and as I did so, I tried to reflect, and I
would like to share my reflections, with all of you in all humility.

Our beloved Dai sees what we comprehend not. His vision is vast and expansive and encompasses future. Because of our
limitations in both knowledge and vision, we can only comprehend the present, and this much we know for sure that these are
bad and difficult times indeed. The economy world wide is in the thorough of recession, job cuts are the order of the day, every
company big or small is fighting for survival in the ever increasing competitive market. The 'blue chips' of yesterday are going 'in
the red' dashing the hopes and aspirations of the investors. The Government concerns and big corporations are trying to whittle
down the extra flab - down size,  is the management mantra, and this is effecting all layers of society, down to the individual
family man, who is at his wits end to manage his finances, but a mumin is not, because his Moula has taught him the art of living.

Yellow slips, an aggressive competitor turning up each new day, closure and wind ups,  have become a harsh reality. These are
no times for levity, luxury and lassitude. Our Moula knows what is in store for sure, and he is bracing us up to overcome the
harsh realities of life. In such times to maintain the mental equilibrium and not to fall deep down in the depression ditch, as so
many others are doing, our Moula says that we should have a thankful heart, to live in constant integrated awareness of the
small mercies. In the coming times, this will be the magic wand that will transform one into a happy,  fulfilled, mature person.
I repeat a thankful heart in constant awareness of small mercies.

A mumin who adheres to the guidance of his Moula, inculcates Hamd and Shukr in his daily life inspite of constrains, does not fall into the interest and debt traps, and on the other hand,  those who are blessed with plenty by Allah, as a means of Hamd and Shukr give Qarzan Hasana, look after the welfare and well being of their fellow mumineen and undertake all noble acts in Shukr for being blessed, will surely live their lives in peace and comfort.

Easy said than done. It is very difficult and we have to learn the art. When the goings are good, it is very easy to smile our way
to the top and to repeat full throated  "Alhamd-o- lillah' but to attend your office for full four to five days, and not to receive a
single phone call or customer, but still with full conviction and true ikhlas and with a thankful heart count the many blessing of
Allah needs some soul searching and inner strength. In such difficult times, the above abayaats of  Aqa Moula (TUS) provides
correct guidance and nourishes the soul and mind. I hope the readers will agree and try to inculcate the noble and pious acts of
hamd and shukr under all circumstances. if we do succeed, as our Moula has said, we will surely see and feel the 'vusaat' -
the vastness of Allah's neamats (blessings). ALHAMDOLILAH !

  May Allah grant my beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato -afiyaat - ta-kiyamat. Ameen.

Abde Syedna (TUS)
Asgar Fakhrudin.

Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com