We are out on a shopping spree to bedeck our mind and soul, for Laylatul Qdr. You are invited to join and enrich yourselves.
Herein below are some of the most exclusive pieces of hauteur couture that I have laid out, which will embellish the mind and soul.
The above do dazzle the eye and are for adornment of the body, but in this post I am talking specifically about bedecking our mind and soul. What other better embellishment than the most moving and imploring doa mubarak by Moulana Ali (SA) that will surely take you on the spiritual path this Laylatul Qdr Night.
Hamd be to my Lord ; He the Adorable, and only to be adored. My Lord the Eternal, the Ever existing; the Cherisher, the True Sovereign, the Regulator of the world and the Light of the creation.
His is our worship; to Him belongs all worship; He existed before all things, and will exist after all that is living has ceased. Thou art the Adored, my Lord; Thou art the Master, the Loving and Forgiving; Thou bestows power and might on whom Thou pleases, him who Thou has lowered, none can exalt.
Thou my Lord, are the Eternal, the Creator of all, All Wise Sovereign mighty; Thy Knowledge knows every thing; Thy Knowledge knows everything; Thy beneficence is all pervading; Thy forgiveness and mercy are all embracing.
O my Lord! Thou are the Helper of the afflicted, the Reliever of all distress, and the Consoler of the broken hearted. Thou are present every where to help Thy servants. Thou knows all secrets, all thoughts, are present in every assembly.
Full filler of our needs, Bestower of all blessings. Thou are the Friend of the poor and breaved; MY LORD - thou are my Fortress, a Castle for all who seek Thy help. Thou are the refuge of the weak, the Helper of pure and true.
O MY LORD Thou are my supporter, my Helper, the Helper of all who seek Thy help.
O MY LORD Thou are the Creator, I am only created, Thou are my Sovereign, I am only Thy servant; Thou are my Helper, I am the beseecher; Thou my Lord are my refuge; Thou are the Forgiver, I am the sinner; Thou may Lord, are the Merciful, All Knowing, All Loving, I am groping in the dark; I seek thy knowledge and love.
Bestow, my LORD all Thy Knowledge, Love and Mercy, forgive my sins, O my Lord, and let me approach Thee my Lord!
(Source: SAHIFA KAMILA from Mishkat Book IV Chapter 18)
For most part of the year , we are preoccupied with materialism. Adorning and the upkeep of the body takes precedence , having very little time to look inward. Sherullah is the month and specially Layali fadelah, when one should seek out his soul. To help you in understanding your mind and soul the real things, I present a dazzling adornment, in the form of an Ode to the Soul by Abu Ali Husain ibn Sina (Avicenna)
It descended upon thee from out of the regions above
That exalted, in effable, glorious heavenly Dove
It was concealed from the eyes of all those, who its nature would ken (understand)
Yet it wears not a veil, and is ever apparent to men
Unwilling it sought thee and joined thee, and yet though it grieves
It is like to be still more unwilling thy body to leave
It resisted and struggled, and would not be tamed in haste
Yet it joined thee, and slowly grew used to this desolate waste
Till forgotten at length, as I grew, were its haunts and it troth
In the heavenly gardens and grooves, which to leave it was loath.
Until when it entered the D of its downward descent
And to earth, to C of its centre, unwillingly went
The eye (I) of infirmity smote it, and lo it was hurled
Midsts the sign-post and ruined abodes of this desolate world
It weeps, when, it thinks of its home and the peace it possessed
With tears welling forth from its eyes without pause or rest
And with plaintive mourning it broodeth like one bereft
Oer such trace of its home as the four field winds have left
Thick nets detain it, and strong is the cage whereby
It is held from seeking the lofty and spacious sky
Un till, when the hour of its homeward flight draws near
And it is time for it to return to its ampler sphere
It carols with joy, for the veil is raised and it spies
Such things as cannot be witnessed by waking eyes
On lofty height doth it warble its songs of praise
For even the lowliest being doth knowledge raise
And so it returns, aware of all hidden things
In the Universe, while no stain to its garment clings
(Ode to the Soul translated by Professor E.G.Browne of
Cambridge History of Persia volume 2 p 110-111)
So let us for once adorn these thoughts, let our soul for once dazzle on this Laylatul Qdr
Night. See our soul for once peek out of our body, set it free to carol with joy, let it for once warble its songs of praise, and observe its dazzle and purity as we immerse ourselves in Ibadat.
May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato afiyat-ta-kiyamat. Ameen.