بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم   
Ashara 1431, Marol

Ashara 1430, Mombasa

Ashara 1429, Colombo

Ashara 1428, Colombo
Ashara 1427

QUEST - let the journey begin




Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq

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Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah
Barakato Faizul Mawaid Burhaniyah

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www.hikmaah.com - MUNAJAT SHARIFA 1429H - MY TASAVURA'T


Generally we all try to equate ‘barakat’ with material gains and prosperity. Talk to any one and you are likely to receive set answers like - I made a windfall income, my business turnover increased, we managed to buy a new house, a new car etc: etc:

However, Aqa Moula’s doa Mubarak ‘barakallahho’ is very expansive in its meaning and fruition. It is not restricted to material gains and prosperity only, it has deep meaning and covers the entire gamut of one’s life, so that a mumin by the virtue of this Doa Mubarak, is able to live a contended life of ease and happiness and also try to be spiritually awakened, and be in contemplation of his soul – which in fact is the real thing, whose emancipation, should be his striving and his goal.

In this Sheruallah Aqa Moula (TUS) has bought into focus this very fact in the Munajat Sharifa 1429H

Munajat Sharifa 1429H

'Vazebat’ is directly linked to ‘barakat’ in the soul. It may seem a paradox to many, but here in is the truth. With this Doa Mubarak the community focus will have a paradigm shift from only material gains and prosperity to that of enrichment of character, mind and soul. One should now shift his focus from materialism to spirituality and the development of the mind.

Start looking more inward rather than outward. I am very confident that if one starts learning to focus on the ‘barakat’ emanating in his soul, on account of him giving ‘vazebat’ and receiving the Doa Mubarak of Aqa Moula (TUS) a mumin will develop into a more fuller, awakened and emancipated human being.

Mumineen will desist from vain glory in material possessions and imbibe noble traits of character, which will enrich the mind and soul.

The exalted status of Aqa Moula (TUS) and his beseeching Allah, on the Night of Qdr, itself signifies, that his Doa Mubarak stands fulfilled and answered.

Now it is for us mumineen to turn our focus on matters spiritual, and those concerning the development of noble virtues (makarim –ul- akhlaq) and acquiring of Ilm.

When the mind dwells in the midst of material and evil propensities, it is like a gentleman dwelling in the slums of the big city.

It is to the simple minded that Allah reveals His Own Nature. Here a word of caution, simple minded should not be confused with simpleton. Our soul is simple (baseet)

Always one should discriminate in one’s mind between true and false, the eternal and transient, and then leaving aside all that is transient, one will slowly learn to fix his mind, upon that which is eternal, that, which is everlasting.

Once realization dawns, we will surely experience the fruition of Aqa Moula’s Doa Mubarak in our daily lives.

For once, let us change our focus from materialism. In the context of Aqa Moula’s Doa Mubarak, wealth generation and worldly prosperity is secondary. It will surely grow, as you have already earned it (it is a different subject, which I will not elaborate here)

Focus on the barakats emanating on account of Aqa Moula’s Doa Mubarak on your mind and soul.

Barakat is not only material gains, it is more encompassing. Start looking inwards and realize the heavenly expanse of your mind and soul. Aqa Moula’s Doa Mubarak in the context of the above Abya’t Sharifa will surely help you in your quest.

The following lines are so very appropriate and authentic. They reveal the Noble Mission of Aqa Moula (TUS) In myriad of ways with the ‘ta’eed’ of Imam-uz-Zaman (S.A.) Aqa Moula (TUS) is leading mumineen to achieve total emancipation of mind, body and soul.

Hold steadfast to him, and see the miracle working in you.

'Dawat ki khilqaton se aja’aib nufusko
Ijaad kar raha hai ye A’shir naye naye

Farman e ezadi se Dawat ke kanj se
Makhrij tu kar raha hai khamair naye naye'

May Allah grant our beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato – a’fiyat- ta- kiyamat. Ameen.

Abde Syedna (TUS)
Asgar Fakhrudin
Asgar Fakhruddin asgarubi@gmail.com