TAFADI - in the context of a mumin is an out pouring of true valayat and ma’arefat. As emphasized in my earlier article, when a mumin does 'tafadi' for his Moula, it is not merely a flutter of the heart, but it is a commitment, which will be tested time and again, it is commitment where one has to make very difficult choices.
The emotions of love and sacrifice for his Moula, no doubt provides the power and thrust to the soul, to which the mind (Aql) - by taffakur and true ma’arefat, gives the right direction and flight, so that by the virtue of ‘tafadi’ a mumin submerges and becomes one, in the ocean of radiance emanating from the ruhani personality of his Moula.
How can such an all encompassing ‘tafadi’ be achieved ? As stated earlier, it is not merely proclamation of words, it is faith in action. Tafadi is to be achieved by virtuous actions, and virtuous actions can only be achieved by following the tenets of Deen , the seven da’aims, and inculcating akhlaq mahmoodah (virtuous character) in day to day living. As valayat is the first and foremost, ‘jem Moula kahe em karo’ is the first step.
TAFADI - is an inward development of character, which ultimately leads to an out ward expression of love and sacrifice.
An all encompassing tafadi, in order to be realized, has to achieved in parts. MBA students, studying Operational Research (OR) are well aware of Frederick W Taylor, considered to be the father of scientific management, who developed job fractionalization process, where each smaller task could be studied, to find the most efficient way to accomplish best results.
Gilbreth’s theory also broke a complex task, into component parts, so that each can be fully understood. (Ref: The 10 day MBA – Steven Silbiger) The herein below graphic, will give the readers an idea of what is being conveyed.
Graphic design: M.Muffadalbhai Maimoon
During this Milad Mubrak Aqa Moula (TUS) has given irshaad munira that mumineen should memorize Qur’an surats till surat Al-Balad at least, so one should put his heart and mind in memorizing, and if he achieves in so doing, he will be achieving a part. Slowly and surely, his inward development will one day lead to an outward expression of love and sacrifice.
Indeed it is a long and arduous road, but many have achieved it in their short life span, and we always remember them with gratitude and love. They have shown us the way, and let us be inspired by them.
‘kabro ma jeev ta che, woh Bari na awliyah
De che jawab, je koi tehne nida kare ‘
- Syedi Sadik ali Saheb
If one is to turn the pages of Fatemi History, there are countless, who have done true tafadi. I will just name a few for the sake of brevity.
The tafadi of Moulai Adam – vali ul Hind to readily pray namaz behind sakka (water carrier) which was a direct result of valayat and akhlaq mahmoodah such as, sadaq uz –zamir (dil si sachawwoo) Ikhlas fil amal ( dil ni sachchai thi amal karvu) and many more, inculcated during his life time.
Likewise the khusi of his Moula Syedna Abdul Taiyeb Zakiuddin (R.A.) was paramount, which made Syedi Khanji fir saheb from removing the filth and garbage without remorse, from the place were ‘sabaks’ were being held.
It was tafadi resulting from behtar akhlaq and valayat that made Moula Raj bin Moula Hasan – vali e Hind, to take on the garb of ‘fakiri’ and wander through mumineen mohallas giving hidayat during the fitnat of Jafar la’een.
During these troubled and challenging times, it was nothing but tafadi of Buja bai, the daughter of Kasim bin Hasan Takiyuddin saheb to readily agree to ‘nikah’ with their khadim Musa Khan.
It was tafadi of stalwarts like Sheikha Mujal and countless others who willingly laid down their life, for their Moula and their beliefs. If one is to go into the details of their illustrious lives one will surely find that all of them were embodiment of valayat and behtar akhlaq.
One can go on and on, and akhbar is truly a’nwaar.
Hope in my very small humble way I have been able to convey my thoughts on TAFADI-, during Ayy’amul Ta’abudaat of 96th Milad Mubarak of Aqa Moula (TUS)
May Allah grant my beloved Aqa Moula (TUS) sehato-a’afiyat-ta-kiyamat. Ameen.